Çerez Örnek



What is ERASMUS?

The Erasmus program is a European Union program aimed at encouraging higher education institutions to cooperate.

Higher education institutions produce and implement joint projects with each other; It provides free financial support for short-term student and staff exchanges.

The program aims to improve and strengthen the quality of higher education in Europe.

Who Can Apply?

The Erasmus program is open to higher education institutions in 27 countries that are members of the European Union, which are included in the Lifelong Learning Programme, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway – which are not members of the European Union but are members of the European Economic Area – and Turkey, Croatia, and Switzerland, which are among the candidate countries for the European Union. In all activities to be carried out within the framework of the Erasmus program, at least one of the parties is required to be an institution from a European Union member country.

Individuals who will benefit from student and staff mobility activities within the scope of Erasmus:

• They must be citizens of the Republic of Turkey or

• Although they are citizens of other countries, they are registered students at a school, vocational school, higher education institution or adult education institution in Turkey, or

• They must be working in a job in Turkey within the framework of relevant laws and regulations.

Erasmus at Ege University Faculty of Medicine

Ege University Faculty of Medicine has established and continues to establish bilateral agreements with numerous universities worldwide. These agreements aim to facilitate the process for students and faculty members who are contemplating studying or working abroad. Students can take advantage of Study or Internship Mobility programs, while faculty members can apply for Education or Staff Mobility Programs.

For more information; https://international.ege.edu.tr/tr-16017/.html

For the list of institutions with which Ege University Faculty of Medicine has active agreements within the scope of the Erasmus Program; https://international.ege.edu.tr/tr-19239/2024-25_erasmuso_ogrenim_hareketliligi_kurumlararasi_anlasmalar_listesi.html

Attempts can be made to establish agreements with universities that do not have a bilateral agreement. Our students and faculty members may attend these universities if they meet specific conditions set by our University and Faculty.


Ege Üniversitesi