Çerez Örnek


SOP of EUFM Educational Commission

SOP of EUFM Alumni Commission

SOP of EUFM Research Education Program Commission

SOP of EUFM Executive Boards of Phases 1-4 and Executive Board of Phase 5

SOP of EUFM Bologna-Erasmus-Farabi-Mevlana Commission

SOP of EUFM Progressive Examination Planning Committee

SOP of EUFM Internship Commission

SOP of EUFM Assessment and Evaluation Commission

SOP of EUFM Special Study Module Commission

SOP of EUFM Program Evaluation Commission

SOP of EUFM Applied Trainings Committee

SOP of EUFM Horizontal Transfer and Adaptation Commission

Ege University Education and Training Regulations

Ege University Assessment and Evaluation Principles Directive

Ege University Student Council Directive

EUFM Integrated Education Directive

SOP of EUFM Student Counseling Services Commission

SOP of EUFM e-Learning Commission

SOP of EUFM Vocational Foreign Language Education Practice and the Commission

SOP of EUFM Ege Medical Student Board

SOP of EUFM Scientific Thinking and Research Education Vertical Corridor Commission

SOP of EUFM Medicine - Doctorate of Science Integrated Program Committee

SOP of EUFM Behavioral Social and Human Sciences Vertical Corridor Commission



Ege Üniversitesi